The Third Way: Finding Growth in a World of Quality and Quantity
Next time you struggle for perfection or obsess for more, remember that you are the perfection you need to aspire to, and you are enough. To find that perfection and that “enough,” cultivate growth as your discipline. If you are struggling or feeling stuck, I encourage you to find a guide, build your library, and move to a welcoming village. It will make a world of difference.
The Third Way: Finding Growth in a World of Quality and Quantity
The Third Way: Finding Growth in a World of…
The Third Way: Finding Growth in a World of Quality and Quantity
Next time you struggle for perfection or obsess for more, remember that you are the perfection you need to aspire to, and you are enough. To find that perfection and that “enough,” cultivate growth as your discipline. If you are struggling or feeling stuck, I encourage you to find a guide, build your library, and move to a welcoming village. It will make a world of difference.